How to Download Images From Dropbox

Alright, since almost all of my friends face issues while downloading my backgrounds from Dropbox, I've decided to make this short post to explain this excruciatingly simple process. Let's dive right in:


Step 1:

Once you tap a Dropbox link, you'll be directed to this screen. Just tap the cross or the 'Or continue to website' button.

Step 2:

On this screen, simply tap the three dots in the top-right corner.

Step 3:

Select the 'direct download' option from the menu which pops up.

Step 4:

A new tab will open up and an image will start loading. Let it load completely and long-tap it.

Step 5:

Select the 'Save Image' option from the menu which pops up.

Step 6:

Go to your images and open the 'Camera Roll' folder. You'll find your background there.

Step 7:

Voilá! Just set the image as your background.


Step 1:

Once you tap a Dropbox link, you'll be directed to this screen. Just tap the cross or the 'Or continue to website' button.

Step 2:

On this screen, simply tap the three dots in the top-right corner.

Step 3:

Select the 'direct download' option from the menu which pops up.

Step 4:

The wallpaper will be downloaded automatically. You can find it in your 'Download' folder in your image gallery.

Step 5:

Voilá! Just set the image as your background.

That does it for today. I really hope no acquaintance of mine will take a screenshot of my blog, zoom in and set the image as his or her wallpaper after reading this post. You can find some of my best wallpapers by clicking the links below:

-Ritin Malhotra
